law camp photo_0About the FCBA Summer Law Institute

The Summer Law Institute (SLI) is a seven-day residential program for high school students interested in the law and the legal profession. Students will learn the fundamentals of trial procedure, discuss important legal and social issues, and study how the law affects their lives. This program provides an opportunity to meet and interact with local lawyers, judges, and law professors. Throughout the week, students will be participating in workshops and mock trial practice at the University of Kentucky College of Law and traveling to the Fayette County Judicial Center for trial observation and a tour. On Friday, local judges will preside over a mock trial in which students act as attorneys and witnesses. Family and friends are invited to attend the trial and closing ceremony in the Fayette Circuit Courthouse.

The FCBA Summer Law Institute -Law Camp seeks a diverse class of students willing to perform at their highest level. This is a unique opportunity and the offer to participate is extended to only the most qualified of students.


2016 Law Camp Application